Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013

Girls CrimeClub Chapter2

Club of the female criminalist

They were a very different mixed colorful group of ladies. There was the enchanting mittforty double mother Laura with temperament and wild curls. She was the one, who got the young girls in those days together under the hat of a theater group. The sensational athletic and really attractive blonde Mirja, keep them all in motion. Looking after backgrounds and searches was the job from Doris, very careful, sensual, and sometimes less serious. Even cooler, if not to say, negligent and lascivious take the sloppy girl from that group Tia, it less seriously, but in important moments you could reliance on her. The more deeply, intensive with ironic, with much ideas and sense for clearing riddles: Secretary Jill.

“Club of the female criminalist” shall be originally at their beginning the name of the group, when they found together and would liked acting together. They were a young theater group and wanted to stay together stay on stage with their performance, when they found out, that they have the same special liking for crimes. They loved to play and perform crime comedy. Although there were on or two boys with them, they were to shy to take on supporting roles. So the girls played the male roles too. Jill, the creative head from the group, had the idea to write their own theater play for them, that’s fitted for them only with female main roles: The club of the female criminalist, who’s solved criminal cases and help the police.

Jill worked at the same time as a female night porter in a hotel and had some quiet hours, in them she could write. So she began to write and after some funny sides, she gave it to read the accountant. But after he red the lines, he misunderstood it completely, and thought she would plan what she wrote: namely a kidnapping. The suspicion gets harder, when he missed the director of the hotel the next day. He incited the police on her, who’s turned out as private security. But now she was in trouble and only her friends could help her. Now they got the mysterious reality and their own first case to clear. The self-made inspector called them derogative “girls crime club” and since they worked with him often it became their name. Because finally he ensures that they became famous and notorious.

Die Krimitanten

Eine lustige und spannende Buchreihe aus der Feder von Lydia Dubielzig mit eigener Facebookseite. Hier auf diesem Blog sind Leseproben zu finden unter dem Menüpunkt: Krimi ! Hannover Kuzrkrimis: Mit den Krimitanten durch das Jahr und der Debütroman: Die Krimitanten bei Amazon als E-Book und gedruckte Fassung Außerdem gibt es Kurzfilme und Hörproben bei Youtube!



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